Friday, April 10, 2009


This is me at 2 months, I love my frog towel, I just cry right now, but I'm learning how to ribbit.
I really do like this hat.  Really.

I don't really know what to do with my hands.

Playing on my Tummy Time

Look how well I can keep my head up, Big Jim, you don't have to tell others to be careful and to hold my neck now.  I am so glad my head isn't as big as my daddy's, I'd never lift that thing up.


Daddy started telling me that I'm a beautiful little girl, and well, of course I liked that, so I started smiling, over and over again.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Look at my new sunglasses

I am ready for the summer now!!

My first day with Lisa

My first day at daycare with Lisa.